Today is July 29, 2010, I am sitting in the George Dawson Inn doing my Blogging for the day. I was dropped of by the Miller couple, after taking picture at the mile zero post in the middle of town.
Mile zero is where the Alaskan Hwy started. I was reminded by Brenda that I had now traveled one-forth of my total trek of 6000 miles, and celebration is in order. Gordon and Brenda Miller were my host while visiting here in the Dawson Creek area.
I had a great time on the farm where the Miller family lives. The farm was different from the Hwy and the wildness, it was quiet and peaceful. I was thankful to God for the contrast, I was informed that I am now entering the prairie and traveling will be faster by bicycle.
I was blessed to attend the Wednesday night Bible Study of the Family Church, Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada. Trevor and Elizabeth Birak are the Pastor’s. I had the opportunity to share my testimony. The group allowed the testimony to replace the bible study, God is good.
I leave the Province of British Columbia today and enter Alberta, Canada.
I will blog to you later my friends, I must get back on the road. Blessings in Christ.