Cycling part of the State of Louisiana

I am enroute to Lafayette, LA. I am siting in a Taco Bell in Jennings, LA taking a few minutes to blog. Good for me, I need a rest from cycling I-10 Bridge into Lake Charles. This is a steep bridge, very narrow with no shoulder. There is a tree to three and a half ledge approximately tree feet above the traffic. There was no other way across the water so…..when there were no trucks coming I quickly put my bicycle and trailer on the ledge and cycled to the top. The top of the bridge was higher than any other structure around.

At the top a patrol car pulled up alongside me with lights flashing. Now, traffic was being held up behind him. “You are not to be on the bridge,” he stated and motioned for me to go ahead of him. I moved quickly to the bottom to make sure the officer’s concern for me did not impede traffic too long. Once off the bridge I shared with the officer, there was no other route across this body of water. He stated,”Fifteen miles away there is another way into Lake Charles.” We talked briefly and i cycled off thinking; I must always enjoy the journey and be responsible for my actions before God Almighty.

Everyday their are many decisions to make while cycling across country and seeking the face of God concerning making those decisions. I reflect on these scriptures along with others to help me stay focused concerning daily decision making: (Deuteronomy 31:6, 2Corithians 10:5,and Phillipians 2:5)

The Holy Spirit Is Here