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Boca Raton, Florida
Posted by: | CommentsI met Randall, a fireman in Avon Park, FL., and his family at their family restaurant in Lake Placid; the next morning as I stopped to have breakfast before cycling out of town. When I walked into the restaurant I knew the employees were expecting me. The Lord God gave me favor. I shared with the family, Randall’s mother and Aunt, along with other employees.
I was introduced to a Southern Baptist Wednesday morning prayer breakfast and shared my story and prayed for the Ladies before departing. I was given breakfast and a packed lunch, they gave me contacts for my next stop, Clewiston, FL.
I arrived in Clewiston, FL and got a room for the evening. Vashtie registered me and her smile and kind laughter was noticed immediately. After getting my key and walking to the room, I thanked God for the gifts he has given to His creation. Vashtie had a unique gift.
I met Kendrick at a cuban restaurant for breakfast. He had the waitress get me what I wanted and paid for it. He and I had a nice conversation before I departed.
After a long day I arrived in Wellington, FL, and was hosted for dinner at Olive Garden by Blake and Frank and was introduced to Matthew and Sharon, two other employees. They gave me a special dining experience. I had an excellent nights rest at the Wellington Hampton Inn and Suites.
The next morning was Friday, Dec. 3, and I was cycling to Boca Raton, FL where I was to meet Grace Wallis’ sister and brother-in-law, Juan Carlos.
I was picked up by Judi once I arrived in Boca Raton and the fellowship began. Judi is a lady that loves the Lord. What a blessing. This family has allowed me to feel special by their kindness. I am thankful to God. 12-4-2010 I plan to be in Miami, FL.
I will blog you later.
Lake Placid, Florida.
Posted by: | CommentsI just cycled into the town of Lake Placid and stopped at the Chamber of Commerce to get info to where the library was located. I sit in the library at this moment. Before coming to the library I stopped at City Hall and talked briefly with Gary Freeman the “Director of Utilities he and his wife also own the Alpha Natural health store. Thanks Gary for for sharing with me about your town.
Before entering the town of Lake Placid I stopped at a convenience store and was encouraged by VIJAY owner of the store. I have been encouraged by almost everyone I have met. The Lord has given me favor.
I also met a gentleman carrying a cross on the Hwy, I passed him and turned around and cycled back to where he was, and we talked of the Kingdom of God. It truly was a blessing. I will stop by Randall’s Family restaurant here in Lake Placid.
I have less than 400 miles to go in Jesus Holy Name.
Pray for unity in the body of Christ.
The Holy Spirit Is Here.
I am in Lake City Florida
Posted by: | CommentsI have just arrived in the city of Lake City Florida and came directly to the library to do my blogging. I have talked with my lovely wife this morning and Diana at the prayer breakfast, which made my day. For the past two nights I have been able to spend the nights at camp grounds, sleeping in my tent. The weather here in Florida is much like summer and that is good for cycling in shorts and short sleeve shirts.
I had the pleasure to give the story of my trek to the local news paper in the town of Jasper, FL . Louise Sheddan, Advertising Rep. took the story and the picture for the news paper. I also met the White’s at the camp grounds last night, they were the camp host and shared dinner with me. We had a nice time talking sharing stories of travels. Dieter & Heather Euler from Ontario, Canada were in the camp heading to Florida for the winter. Now that’s the way to live. Before they departed this morning they came and shared with me and invited me to visit the campground where they are going for the winter.
Well, I must keep moving.
Jennings. Florida
Posted by: | CommentsOnly a few minutes ago I entered the state of Florida, took out my phone and videoed the welcome to Fla. sign. I mailed the picture to my wife, because she is praying for me with many others in the body of Christ, and I wanted to share the mile stone of the day with her.
So many places and people I have been privileged to see and meet. The Lord truly has blessed me, for I could not have done this trek without depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit apart from JESUS. I remember the time when He ministered to me on the Alaskan Hwy that, ‘He would never leave me or forsake me…’, and He is faithful and Just.
I now have 500 plus miles to go.
I stopped in the last town in Georgia before entering the state of Florida, which was Lake Park, Ga., and stopped at the city hall. I shared with Ann Peterson, the City Clerk & Zoning Administrator how much I had enjoyed cycling/visiting online in the state of Ga. It is always a blessing to share with the body of Christ, and the fellowship was good.
I am grateful to all the residents of Georgia for the love and care that was given to me while in their beautiful state. Thank you all so very much.
I am in Perry, Ga.
Posted by: | CommentsToday is Nov. 18 2010, and I am in Perry, Ga. . The time is 12:43 pm, and I am stopping for a break. I have not blogged for a few days because I have been under the weather some- what for the last three days. I was blessed to be in Atlanta at this time, my son Rasheem, who’s vehicle was hit by an IED explosive in Afganistan, was also in Atlanata. I was glad to see him and his wife Quisa.
I have been cycling from Atlanta for three days and this is where I am today. Just wanted to let you know where I am on this beautiful day and to say I will be entering the state of Florida in four days if all goes according to plan. Florida is the last state, and the destination is the Florida Keys.
Well, with that said, I must get back to the office, the Hwy.
I will blog you later. Jesus say’s in His word, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Now that this has been brought to your attention, invite Jesus into everything that you do.
Period. OK.