Sweetwater to Abilene
ByFrom Sweetwater, Texas to Abilene, is approximately 45 miles. I cycled those miles today. My first six miles of cycling this morning were challenging because I was cycling before daylight, with only the light of my bike. Upon arriving in Abilene, I rested for about 45 minutes, then began trying to secure a place for the night. The only place for tenting was now behind me. My practice is to continue forward unless stopping is absolutely necessary. The campground cost was $19.00, however, since I continued forward the cost escalated to $69.00. Out here I pray about almost everything. I must, because this is Kingdom business, God’s business, not my business.
After securing the last hotel before leaving the city of Abilene, I asked The Lord, why did I feel led to continue to this place? I am a wise steward. The Lord allowed me to know the reason. I met James hitch hiking and I ministered to him for over an hour. James stated, “I know God had you to come here for me, some things I had been reading in the bible were confusing. I was seeing it without understanding.” We talked at length until nightfall and both of us had to go our separate ways. As I cycled back to my room, I was at peace and felt joyful and blessed.
“God is good and His mercy endures forever…..”