Once I arrived in Lloydminster I proceeded to a Wal-Mart store to make the phone contacts that had been given to me. I called and the persons were leaving town the next day. We spoke briefly and I had to decide what I was going to do next after hanging up the phone.
It was evening and I was tired, so I found the nearest campground and secured myself for the night. Earlier that morning it began to rain and my little tent began to leak, that made for a interesting activity. I had to remember what the word of God says in 1st Thess. 5:18 “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” So, I thanked God for Him being seen in me at this time of unexpected circumstances, and for his Holy Spirit that dwells in me, who is the Comforter to lead me into all truth. I was truly thankful, and I still am today.
After securing my belongings I departed the campgrounds and went to the city hall of Lloydminster Alberta. I made an appointment to see the Mayor,then cycled to the news paper office. After being interviewed, the photographer wanted to take the pictures at the border markers. I cycled back to city hall for the photo shoot, because that is where the border markers are.
I feel, I should give some info on the city of Lloydminster. “Lloydminster, astride the Alberta-Saskatchewan border,holds city status in both provinces. Markers and restored buildings adjacent to Weaver Park tell the story of the Barr Colonists, who settled the area in 1903.”
After the photography completed taking the pictures, several persons in city hall recommended I visit the Lloydminster Gospel Fellowship Church. After meeting the mayor I went directly to the church. Once I met with Pastor Lyle Berg, we talked for approx. hour. I was given the opportunity to go to the bible camp with the young adults. I drove up with the youth pastor, and we had good fellowship
There was anointed worship with the praise team, and the other young people at the camp that night. The next day was Saturday and we all had some time to enjoy being on the lake. I rode on the tube with another young man as they tested our ability to stay on the tube as we were pulled over the waves created by the boat.
I gave my testimony that night at the camp, and ministered at the church the next day. (Sunday). After service I secured my belongings on bike and I cycled out of Lloydminster and Alberta for the last time. I am now cycling in the province of Saskatchewan, and the next city is North Battleford Sask.
I thank my God many times a day for calling me to His service, and this mission. I am also thankful for the spirit of obedience that I chose to receive.