7/30/2010–Beaverlodge, Alberta. Canada

Today is July 30th, 2010. I am sitting at a picnic bench in a campgrounds  in Beaver lodge Alberta. This is the second time I have been able to get a Internet connection in a park.  I  am sure you can tell, I am pleased!!!

Today I crossed over the Provincial line, out of British Columbia into Alberta. That is a mile stone for me. It is a sign of completion and that feels good.

Last night before I set my tent up I was ministering to worker who was on duty,  for about thirty minutes.   This morning he returned stating, he felt lead to  plant seed  into my mission. Only the Lord can do that. The Lord has been drawing me closer to him. The dying  to self and living to Christ, is one of my hearts desires.

The sun is going down and it is getting cooler. I also need to get some sleep, because I am a  growing man not a growing boy. Tomorrow I will cycle into Grande Prairie, go to church on Sunday and cycle out on Monday morning.

Good night Evelyn my wife and princess. Thanks for being who you are,  just like you are. I truly am blessed.

m&t bank ach department

2 thoughts on “7/30/2010–Beaverlodge, Alberta. Canada

  1. Thank You Lord for the fantastic milestone and for your continued hand of blessing upon my brother. Give him full rest on Sunday – sound and relaxing for the body, refreshment for his soul.

    Love you Lowell,

    Grace n Cary

  2. Thank you Grace for your contineous encouragement up lifting comments. I am truely blessed by them.
    Blessing to you and my brother.

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