From Squanga Lake to Teslin Yukon, Canada

Today’s date is June 29 2010. I am sitting in the cabin of Doug and his family, in Teslin, Yukon. Before arriving here yesterday, I was in Squanga Lake visiting with Ted Hall at his home. Ted is a first nation person, he had many story’s to tell of revival in the village of his people. I was truely blessed to hear of the out pouring of the Holy Spirit upon a People. I sense in my spirit the out pouring of the Holy Spirit is now at hand, for all flesh. This is exciting!!! Praise God in Jesus’ Holy Name. Ted and I drank tea and talked well into the night, though it was still day light outside.
The Lord allowed me to see a stronghold in my life, He wanted me to surrender to Him. Once He took it; satan would have no place there any longer. I gave it to the Lord, and I am free.Thank You Lord, The Lord Is good all the time.
I had moose steak in Ted’s home, and once I arrived in Teslil, I had moose stew with the special family the Lord allowed me to meet here. I met their son Josh in Whitehorse, and he wrote his family a letter, and I delivered it bicycle express. That is how I became a guest in their home.
Well, I have washed my clothes and now I can begin the trek for today.

m&t bank ach department


One thought on “From Squanga Lake to Teslin Yukon, Canada

  1. Bicycle express the way you ride is probably faster than Pony Express was!!! What a double blessing – blessing of a hand delivered letter, then the blessing of being a house guest. God sure works things for the best for all! Have a great ride!

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