Father’s Day (Sunday) 2010

Good morning Holy Spirit. I am blessed to be a Father, thank God for this days blessings. I miss my wife more after talking to her this morning. The signal for the phones were cutting out, and that didn’t help, so I used the situation to praise God and pray for my wife and others. After the conversation with my wife, I was given a gift by my Lord, a family from Delta Jct, was entering the Burwash Landing Resort in front of me. One of the ladies turned and said, “you were in our Delta Meat Co.” That, felt good to be recognized by someone, I had just met a few days prior; since I am now meeting new people throughout the day. Russell & Jeannie Pinkelman, (with company), are the family I am speaking of. We talked with each other while eating lunch, becausewe missed breakfast by approx.

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5 min. When I went to pay for my order, the cashier said the couple had taken care of the bill. and then I was given by the couple the exact meat items I purchased on the day I stopped by their company over a week ago. The timing for something like this to happen is the the hand of God, because I sat on the side of the road, approx. 45 min. before intering the town. The way I see it, that’s divine intervention. For the special readers, here is the website for the meat and sausage co. www.deltameat.com. check  it out, the product is excellent. Well I must get under way.’ THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE

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