Visited with the youth at the Boys and Girls club

I had a luncheon appointment with Darryl, news reporter from channel 11, he had to cover a fire that is burning out of control, so we met at the Fairbanks Boys and Girls Club. Some footage was shot while I was interacting  with youth at the art table. I have some skills when it comes to drawing or sketching, now this type of interaction made me feel at home. After enjoying the youth for, approx.

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three hours, and sharing stories centered around various topics, I cycled to a laundromat to wash a load of clothes. While at the laundromat ,
I began to talk with Ms Terra Sipple and family members, she was a christian. The Spirit moved while we  fellow-shipped in the laundry and I video taped her testimony. We were both saying, “The Lord is good”, while we praised our God. I am having to walk by faith on a greater level and I know my Heavenly Father will provide, and if He doesn’t, in truth, no one else can. Something funny and embarrassing happened to me this morning. I was meditating at the gym and fell asleep. The manager came into the weight room to wake me. I am sure she was alerted to the situation, afterwards I went into the jacuzzi, and then to apologize. We both smiled, and she shared her  position at the center, to keep everyone safe! I appreciated her professionalism and kindness. A picture was taken of her, Margie, for the Spirit Rider’s website.  “The Holy Spirit Is Here”.  Spirit Rider Lowell

3 thoughts on “Visited with the youth at the Boys and Girls club

  1. Maybe you can look at you falling asleep in the gym while you were meditating as a way of God just giving you rest at that time while you were solely focused on him. Sometimes when I am in bed thinking about Rasheem and can’t sleep I just lay there and meditate on how far he has come in life that God keep him safe and spiritually covered and whatever is on my mind that is keeping me from getting rest that God free me from that. I know that you miss your wife but I know that she is continuing to be a wonderful support to you back at home. Please continue to stay focused while you are out there and know that she is fine. I will check on her just to make sure of it. What you are doing is such a wonderful thing, Daddy Lowell, and you are going to touch so many lives….

  2. Lowell, The Holy Spirit is here!!! Praying that the Lord leads you and guides you from within – for His glory – for His honor. Miss you. Following your every post.

    Col 4:17 – And say to Archippus (and to Lowell as well), TAKE HEED to the ministry that you have received from the Lord, that you may FULFILL it!

  3. Sorry I am Just getting around to responding to your comment. I am still learning to manage cycling, staying focused on the hwy, watch out for the animals including man [smile] blog, and secure a place to rest each night. “But I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” I am glad you are in Rasheem’s life, and he in yours. I am two days out of Watson Lake, Yukon Terr. Canada. See you soon. Thanks for everything.

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