Networked at Fairbanks city hall

I did some training last night, In other words, I cycled off and on all night.

m&t bank ach department

You can do that with ease in Fairbanks in the summer time, because it is day light all of the time. At 4:00 AM I was waiting at a Safeway store for star bucks to open at 6:00 AM. After getting my coffee I cycled to Mary Siah recreation center, which opened at 8:00 AM . I went into the sauna, then dressed and cycled to city hall. I met Mayor, Terry Strle. Mayor Strle was very focused and pleasant. Afterwards I shared my story with city hall employee, Amber B. Courtney, and Antoino C. Shumate. From there I went to speak with Laren J. Zager, the chief of police, a stately gentleman. I enjoyed talking with Mr. Zager. The next person I met was Darryl Lewis with the channel 11 tv station. He went to school in the Antelope Valley, now that was a surprise to both of us, but we enjoyed it. Well, one more stop at the news paper office and I was done. After this blog, I am done!   Spirit Rider Lowell