I am in Lake City Florida

I have just arrived in the city of Lake City Florida and came directly to the library to do my blogging.  I have talked with  my lovely wife this morning and Diana at the prayer breakfast,  which made my day.  For the past two nights I have been able to spend  the nights at camp grounds, sleeping in my tent.  The weather here in Florida is much like summer and that is good for cycling in shorts and short sleeve shirts.

m&t bank ach department

I had the pleasure to give the story of my trek to the local news paper in the town of Jasper, FL .  Louise Sheddan, Advertising Rep. took the story and the picture for the news paper. I also met the White’s at the camp grounds last night, they were the camp host and shared dinner with me.  We had a nice time talking sharing stories of travels. Dieter & Heather Euler from Ontario, Canada were  in the camp heading to Florida for the winter.   Now that’s the way to live.   Before they departed this morning they came and shared with me and invited me to visit the campground where they are going for the winter.

Well, I must keep moving.

5 thoughts on “I am in Lake City Florida

  1. I meet you in front of a gas station in Gainesville, which is about 20 miles south of Lake City.Today was thanksgiving and you were in my dinner prayers. Good luck to you in your noble mission and god bless you sir.

  2. Hi Lowell,

    This is Kim Fehr, Your cycling buddy from up in the Yukon. I told you that you’ld make it.

    I was blessed to have met you and you have been in my prayers. You are an inspiration. Congratulations Bro.


  3. Hi Lowell,

    Just curious when you will head to the East Coast of Florida. My sister wants to be able to meet you and give you a place to stay if you will be stopping in the area of Boca Raton. Her name is Judi, and on FB she is known as Dale Jones, if you would friend her she can talk to you herself.

    Have a blessed Sunday!

  4. It is good to hear from you I have been thinking of you and the day of cycling we had. Thank you for the can of bear spray. There is a story behind that can of spray. I will keep in touch my friend. Saskatoon Pie in Saskatoon, SK. (smile)

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