I departed from Gadsden, Alabama yesterday on 11-09-2010, which was a day of celebration for me, because I departed from Fairbanks, Alaska on the June 07 and now I have been on the road cycling for now five months.
I just felt to celebrate on the ninth of this month, when I arrived into Anniston I went directly to City Hall and visited with Mayor. He shared with me his walk of faith to his election as mayor. I was encouraged by his testimony. God children are every where doing Kingdom business.
A relative of my wife came from Sylacauga, Alabama to meet with me which was a great delight. Preston arrived at City Hall while I was being photographed for the daily news paper, at that time I had completed the interview with the reporter. After securing a hotel, Preston and I drove to Sylacauga to visit with other members of the family, and to enjoy southern hospitality and southern home cooking. Now the something to live for!!!
There is always much to say, but I have cycling responsibilities as well to manage in a days time, I will say thanks for allowing me to share with you this morning.
Dear Pastor Lowell: It was such a blessing and an honor just to have had the opportunity to meet a person with such character and love for the Lord. My family has been blessed. We pray for you constantly, safety throughout your trip, and for your safe return to your family. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for using me as an instrument, if only for a few hours. Thank you so much Pastor Lowell. God Bless you and God speed to you… Your Brother in Christ. Ricky