Florence, Alabama.

Today is Tuesday November 02, 2010  I am in the city of Florence,  in the state of Alabama.  As I entered the  city I stopped at City Hall and was granted the privilege to share a few minutes with Mayor Bobby E. Irons, and he introduced me to the City Clerk, Bob Leyde. Both gentlemen were stately and personable in  their mannerisms. I truly enjoyed meeting the city of Florence top representatives.

The Lord is leading me to study covenant relationship, and I am becoming more aware of  the blessings we have under the Abrahamic covenant through Christ Jesus. Genesis 12:1-3l tells the beginning of the covenant and Genesis 15:18-21 describes a part of the covenant, which deals with the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants,  in Christ that includes me. I do not know if you accept this promises of God for yourself, that will be between you and God. I do, with my whole heart.

I have less than a thousand miles to trek and I will be in Key West. I am humbled before God Almighty for who He is and His call on my life. 1st Peter 5:6 says, “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” I desire to be led by the Holy Spirit into all truth.

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All truth of what humility truly is before God.

God bless you and keep you always.


3 thoughts on “Florence, Alabama.

  1. Lowell, so glad you are so much closer to your destination ! We continue in prayer for you – as always – and are rejoicing in your reception and in the continued blessings of the Lord on your life and ministry.

    As you know, I closely identify with Israel and the promises to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David. I celebrate that our Messiah is from the lineage of David, but holds His Kingship according to the order of Melchizedek- everlasting. And am humbled that the everlasting God chose me to be His representative here. It is an awesome gift, and can only be truly supported by the continuous, daily filling of the Holy Spirit.

    May the Holy Spirit enable, encourage and and empower you as you finish this race, and continue in the race of Life. Your sis, Grace

  2. Thank you Grace for the encouraging words and prayers. I look forward to visiting with you and Gary once I return. Lowell

  3. The men’s prayer group from Corinth, MS is praying for you daily. We thank God that he led you to us for our encouragement and strength. Godspeed to you, brother!

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