Milan, Tennessee

I arrived in Milan about 5:00 pm., yesterdayOctober 28,  2010,  I cycled approx. 50 miles. the Hwy’s in this area are hilly,so on bike you get a good workout.

m&t bank ach department

 The trek so far through Tennessee has  been a wonderful experience, and the hospitality exceptional. I am praying  for the residents  in the State of Tenn. that the Spirit of the Lord to be poured out on all and revival/spiritual awakening be the the result.  Praise the Lord!!!   Acts 2:17 reads, “In the last days. God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”  We as believers should all diligently seek the face of God concerning this scripture, and follow the Spirit of Truth that has been sent to lead us into all truth.  We are to be doers of the word….  starting now, today.

Well I will blog you later.


One thought on “Milan, Tennessee

  1. You are going through state after state more quickly, my friend.
    We had a fantastic time in the Spirit at Fall Leadership with a wonderful Word from an anointed man of God.

    My sister in Boca Raton is helping me find information for the end of your trip, to make the relaxing time more easy. Blessings to you and KNOW you are being prayed for and over many times a day,

    Grace n Cary

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