Blogging from the Decatur library

I am in the Decatur, Illinois’s library blogging for the day. I have been having a great time praying without ceasing, that is a very interesting concept. I have been blessed for stepping out in faith and consciously observing myself praying sometimes 80% of each hour daily. !st Thessalonian 5:17says, “pray without ceasing,” and I choose to be a doer of the word. The more I press to pray continuously, it becomes easier and easier. Praise the Lord!!!

My host for the night the Salvation Army here in Decatur. I had the opportunity to visit the Spin City Cycles bike shop, the guys there are fresh and I enjoyed hanging with them for a few minutes. Mike Koprek is the gentleman running the shop, a very nice person.

I was in Bloomington/Normal, Illinois at the Vitesse Cycle Shop, and I had to have major work done on my bike. Chris, hooked me up and my bike is rolling smoothly again. My host in Bloomington was a lovely family, Jerry, Cesca his wife,TJ and Corey. Thank you guys.

m&t bank ach department

Spirit Rider,  Lowell

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