A few days ago I cycled into Madison, Wisconsin after leaving Stone’s throw Campground. Cycling through the University of Wisconsin campus was exciting because it was Saturday, and a game had been played or pending. Red and white are their colors and red and white was the clothing for the day. I had a red and white visual good time in the capital city.
I ate dinner downtown where the restaurant seating extended outside around the sidewalk, it was crowded and entertaining. Afterwards, I cycled to the next town adjacent Madison, which was Monona, Wisconsin and got a hotel because no campsites were available.
The next day I cycled to Edgerton and was hosted by a lovely couple in the town. John, my host called the editor of the local newspaper. Diane Everson, the reporter for the paper came to the house and interviewed me along with John and Eve Geberhardt. The next day, John and I drove to the Trek bicycling manufacturing company in Waterloo, Wis. We were given a tour of the company; it is exciting to see how trek bicycles are made.
We drove back to Edgerton and I cycled to Janesville for the evening where I rested for the night. I am given the opportunity to minister throughout the day to whoever I meet, from one person to a group or congregation. I enjoy giving my testimony and talking about Jesus, my Lord and savior.
I stopped in the last town before leaving the state of Wisconsin, which was Beloit, Wis. and interviewed with the daily news paper. I had the opportunity to give my testimony and let the readers know how much I enjoyed cycling through their state. I am now in the state of Illinois, in the town of Rockford, Illinois.
Today is Tuesday Oct. 12 .
Glad to hear you are in Illinois, Lowell and am looking forward to reading the press release when it is linked to your site. May God rest and strengthen you in the Name of Jesus, Grace n Cary
Hello Lowell,
I heard about your journey by talking to my brother John in Edgerton. He and Eve really enjoyed meeting you and hearing about your trip.
Our little home town may be off the beaten path for some, but it is a unique little berg for passers-by such as yourself. With the two secondary highways crossing at our downtown stop light, most travelers avoiding the interstate will get a glance at Edgerton on the way through. It was nice that you got to take a rest there and meet a few of the folks that make our town special.
Prayers and blessings to you,