The time is approx.1:50 pm and I am in Coon Valley, Wisconsin. I entered the state yesterday from La Crescent, Minnesota. As you can see I am making some head way, to continue the progress I will attempt to by-pass all extremely high mountain ranges. At the present time I have left the Mississippi river, where I have been snaking along with the river. Some parts are simply beautiful.
There has been flooding along the river in this area during the fall season. Some campgrounds where I have stayed, the sites have been partially under water.
I am thankful to all the children of God that are praying for me.
The Lord is doing a work in my life, prayer is on-going almost constantly with me, and that I am grateful for. ‘The Spirit ministered to me the delight of the Lord when His children come with a desire to spend time with Him; but most of His children are too busy.’ I felt the sadness of His heart because of business. I was guilty. What about you? I had to repent.
Well I must go, some lady just invited me to have some cake and other food that is a part of their ten year anniversary for the library here in Coon Valley.