Two days ago was my worst day of cycling. The previous day I visited the Liard Hot Springs, and truely enjoyed the affects the hot water had on my body. I felt that must have been why I was feeling so wiped out, and that was the day I entered the Rocky Mountain Range. Boy, I prayed a lot. I quoted many promises of God back to God for His help.
“I will never leave you or forsake you…”, stayed on my screen of consciousness, along with, “My yoke is easy and My burdens are light…”. Many other scriptures came to mind, so the Lord and I talked all day and most of the night. When I look back on that day, I must say it was a very good day.
Only My God can make all things work together for my good. Praise and honor to the Lord of lords, my Lord and savior.
God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son….”, stayed on my mind most of my awake time last night. Why would God do His absolute best to save man from eternal damnation, (hell,and the lake of fire) by giving His only Son.
I was given a book by Ted, a first nation person here in Canada, when I visited his home at Squange Lake, Yukon Terr. The name of the book is:’ A DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL, Time Is Running Out’, by Mary K. Baxter.
When I read about three/fourths of the book I had a glimpse of why God gave his best to keep man out of hell. There is a terrible price (hell) for rejecting God’s gift.
Thank You Father God for Your love for this world, and Jesus paying for our sins. I am set free from hell by receiving Your Son (Jesus) as my Lord and Savior. I pray for the world to repent and call on the name of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit Is Here.
I googled the hot springs you were at last week. I even found a video of a guy that stopped there in the winter and went in to get some warmth. It is so cool that I know exactly where you were and am able to picture it with you. I sure wish we could get these teaching to you so you could be in the word while you ride.
If you can figure out a way let me know. Maybe we can e mail them to you. Ask Dave.
God’s Speed!
Robin Rodgers
Looking at the google maps looks like toad river is the next stop. I may be wrong.
Looks like some rough riding (up and down) I will keep you in prayer and ask God to make the hills a rewarding challenge for you. You can do it. God has given you almost superhuman strength.
God bless
I talked with Evelyn at the Ministry Fair yesterday 7-11-10. She gave me your website. It was good to hear that you are making such good progress.
May God strengthen you and protect you as you continue your ride.
God Bless, Deryl Box