I am now sitting on the bed, in the Northway airport lodge, which I was blessed by the Pastor of the only church on the reservation. The trek to here was very difficult, I was so very tired. It seemed as though, the closer I got to Northway the worse I felt.
I truely had to manage each mile as I neared the village. About a mile from the village limits, I walked my bike and prayed in the Spirit until I had a break through from the heaviness I felt. I entered Northway singing in the Spirit. I interacted with the locals, and fellowshipped with the Pastor and his wife, they are true missonaries (Praise God). I witnessed to two gentleman, and prayed with David J. Trainor. There was deliverance and restoration, Holy,holy God. You are Worthy to be praised. David was a blessing to me. “The Holy Spirit Is Here” Spirit Rider Lowell